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Silk road News Network:(BAHA EDDIN MOHAMMAD JAMAL BANI ATA)《中国战胜病魔》


发布时间: 2020年03月28日 编辑: 国际学院

(来源:Silk road News Network 2020-03-26)

3月26日,对外经济贸易大学国际学院从中国驻约旦大使馆处获悉,我校MOFCOM项目学员、约旦籍国际经济专业博士研究生BAHA EDDIN MOHAMMAD JAMAL BANI ATA(学号:DE201960016),在海外相关媒体上发表了一篇《中国战胜病魔》(阿语版),对当前中国抗疫取得的伟大成就进行了高度的赞扬,并表达了本人的一些感想。是我校来华留学生弘扬正义之声和正能量的又一具体体现。

China won the devil – by BAHA EDDIN BANI ATA

Almost three months ago, China announced the emergence of the emerging corona virus - Covid 19 - in Hubei province and in Wuhan in particular, when the Chinese authorities began to intensify their efforts to combat the "devil" virus, as described by Chinese President "Xi Jinping", And established specialized hospitals and field hospitals to combat the epidemic and equip them in record time - startled the world - to receive the infected cases.

Most optimists did not expect that China would start dismantling these hospitals and watch the medical staff there celebrate taking masks off their faces before Chinese President "Xi Jinping" appeared roaming the neighborhoods and streets of "Wuhan", declaring China's victory over its war against this deadly virus that had infected more of the (80,000) people from the great people of China and caused more than (3000) deaths.

How can China so quickly dazzle the world and deal a harsh blow to all the stalkers who were waiting for its collapse and surrender to this virus? How has China alone been able to send a message to the whole world that it is the strongest and greatest country without competition in this time?

The answers to these questions are not limited to, but I will mention some of the achievements that stunned the world with the war of China against the Coved-19, the first concession is the speed of response, which described by the official of the investigation experts at the World Health Organization Bruce Eilward, "creating an approach" we have not seen like in history, so China during the early stages of the epidemic, by imposing the largest quarantine in the world on entire cities, it stopped all public and air transportation as a proactive step to mitigate its spread in other provinces, cities, and the world. 

This was followed by the establishment of a fully equipped and specialized hospital within (10) days and the rehabilitation of a hospital that was used to treat SARS patients in 2003, and many field hospitals, and the government pumped billions of dollars to face the virus, another advantage that made a clear difference is the use of advanced technology facing Corona in scenes that amazed the world took advantage of robots to reduce human contact. We saw a pathogen robot that can examine 10 people at once, order delivery robots, as well as an army of surveillance Drones, sterile robots and a mobile robot detects those infected with the virus on the street and Gives voice advice to passers.

We saw "police helmets" that can detect a person with the virus by measuring body temperature remotely. The armies of technology and big data caught the deadly virus, and through cooperation between the regularity of the people and their commitment to instructions, all the dedicated medical and security cadres, and with a wise state administration under the direct supervision of President Xi and the Communist Party of China, this enabled them to defeat this "hidden killer" as there is no local victims have been recorded in the past days.

Today, China is recovering from its wounds, at a time when the world began to sink in the swamp of corona, so that strong countries such as the United States of America and all European countries began completely unable to address this terrible virus, and it became clear to the whole world that it was not equipped with enough precautions and medical equipment to treat this kind of crisis.

What caught my attention the most was that China did not stop at its victory over the virus, but also reached out to help many countries in the world where the epidemic spread, by supplying it with Chinese medical equipment and medical teams, including Italy, Iran, and others, and declares every day its willingness to provide assistance to any country that requests it. That is why we are raising hats to this great human country . China always mentioned the common destiny of this world and preparing to do what it takes to preserve and protect this fate.















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