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发布时间: 2021年09月29日 编辑: 刘璇


(来源:中国日报网  2021年9月27日)





大会还向优秀会员单位、杰出贡献个人颁发了牌匾及证书。辽宁对外经贸学院校长助理张英、中国商务出版社社长郭周明分别代表受表彰单位和个人发表感言。 在嘉宾演讲环节,石广生部长、世贸组织前上诉机构主席赵宏博士先后演讲。






Seminar held on international trade


A seminar on the 40th anniversary of the founding of the China Association of International Trade and the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the WTO was held in Beijing on Sept 25.

Shi Guangsheng, former minister of foreign trade and economic cooperation and honorary president of CAIT, former deputy ministers Shen Jueren and Liu Xiangdong, Director Yang Zhengwei of the Commerce Ministry's Policy Research Office, as well as nearly 60 guests from the government, universities, scientific research institutions, associations of commerce and society and part-time vice-chairmen of the society were invited to attend the meeting.

More than 150 guests and member representatives from all over the country attended the meeting.

Chairman Jin Xu, Vice-Chairman Bian Zhenhu and Vice-Chairman Li Gang attended the meeting and presided over the opening ceremony, guest speeches and seminars.

Jin said it is necessary to take 40 years of establishment as a new starting point, carry forward the past, inherit and innovate. Furthermore, he proposed to unite all members and build more platforms so as to create more opportunities for dialogue between academia and industry and continue to explore the integration and innovation of theory and practice to provide governments and enterprises with more accurate and valuable decision-making opinions and suggestions. 

Cui Weijie, vice-president of Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, and Li Tie, president of the Jilin Tumen River Institute of International Cooperation, spoke on behalf of the establishment and member units of the CAIT.

The conference also issued plaques and certificates to outstanding member units and individuals with outstanding contributions.

In the guest speech session, Shi Guangsheng and Dr Zhao Hong, former chairman of the WTO Appellate Body, gave speeches.

Shi summarized the role of the CAIT through the establishment of four platforms. The first is for theoretical and practical exchanges. The second platform is to exchange experience and innovation. The third is to build a bridge between foreign trade and other fields. And the fourth platform is for analysis and discussion of current and future situations.

"In my opinion, this has greatly promoted the mutual understanding and mutual support between the foreign trade industry and other industries," Shi added.

"The development of things is always dynamic, and the situation is changing. It is necessary to understand the current and future situation and trend, so the CAIT built the research platform. I think the role played by these four platforms is far-reaching and specific, so the reform and development of foreign economic and trade play a very important role."

Zhao Hong gave a speech titled "Success and Challenges of the Multilateral Trading System and the Reshaping of International Economic and Trade Rules". In the speech, taking WTO as an example, he systematically discussed the trend of international economic and trade development from the perspective of the rule of law in international trade. He also discussed the causes and impact of the current crisis on the multilateral trading system, as well as corresponding solutions.

In the afternoon, at the seminar on the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the WTO, guests gave several speeches. They discussed tremendous achievements of China due to its accession to the WTO in the past 20 years in different aspects, including how China maintains the multilateral trading system, with the WTO at its core, under the new development pattern. Furthermore, the necessity and specific path of investment liberalization and facilitation were also discussed.

Jin made a concluding speech. He said the high-level speeches of the guests have greatly improved the quality of the conference, which brought the successful conclusion of the seminar. He added the CAIT will continue to work together with all members to create new brilliance.






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