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发布时间: 2023年02月16日 编辑: yulu



The dispute between Beijing and Washington over an unprecedented ban on the export of US processor chips is set to come before a World Trade Organization panel. It comes after Beijing filed a formal complaint in December last year. CGTN Reporter Zhou Jiaxin explains.

The World Trade Organization will begin looking into China's lawsuit against the US over its curbing of chip exports. The 60-day period of consultation expired on Monday. But a settlement remains out of reach as the tech and trade war between the world's two largest economies intensifies.

China's Commerce Ministry has described Washington's decision to cut off Chinese chipmakers from US suppliers as "abusing export control measures" and "obstructing normal international trade," adding that it is a "typical trade protectionist practice."

TU XINQUAN, Dean, China Institute for WTO Studies, University of International Business and Economics "China believes that those restrictions are against WTO rules and spirits of trade liberalization, and discriminatory to Chinese companies. So, China has initiated the dispute case within the WTO. But we expect that the US will invoke the national security exemptions to defend its measure."

Last month, the US defended its tariffs on imported steel and aluminum saying it's in the interest of national security. It said the US, not the WTO, gets to decide what qualifies as national security. But WTO panels ruled that Washington's measures were not implemented at a time of war or other emergency, and therefore was inconsistent with national security exemptions.

TU XINQUAN, Dean, China Institute for WTO Studies, University of International Business and Economics "If a member wants to invoke the national security exemptions, it has to meet with certain WTO requirements. The US always insists that it has full self-judging power to explain national security-related measures. The US argument is not standing here."

China's Foreign Ministry has accused the US government of suppressing Chinese companies by stretching the concept of national security and abusing state power. It has warned the export controls will backfire and "hurt the interest of US companies."

Some American companies are losing their license to export products to Chinese tech giant Huawei, including 4G smartphone chips. President Joe Biden has also asked the Netherlands and Japan to block chips to China.

ZHOU JIAXIN Beijing "Beijing says it will continue to work for rights and interests of Chinese companies, and stresses that Washington should stop its efforts to contain and suppress China, and that it should not create new obstacles for the already strained bilateral relations. Zhou Jiaxin, CGTN, Beijing."





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