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《China Daily》:(中文学院)In search of fulfillment

发布时间: 2024年05月24日 编辑: 雨晴

(China Daily | Updated: 2024-05-03)

近期,中文学院2024届汉语国际教育专业硕士毕业生杨洋同学接受了CHINA DAILY(中国日报)的采访,讲述了她服务国家战略,到祖国最需要的地方奉献的故事.

Free-spirited official

Yang Yang, 26, plans to work as a government official in a village in the Aba Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture, Sichuan province, after she graduates in June.

Yang, who is a third-year postgraduate student at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, said she has not considered working at an internet company in Beijing, a popular choice for many of the capital's college graduates, as it does not suit her carefree character.

Yang was born and raised in Chengdu, Sichuan. She misses the beautiful grassland and snowcapped mountains of western Sichuan, so she did not hesitate to seize the chance to work there.

Beijing is a very vibrant city for students to study, but as a working adult, the high housing prices can be formidable for many people from other regions, she said.

"If I work at a company in Beijing, I will feel like I am trapped in my small cubicle. The fast-paced life in the city also means I need to constantly run toward the next target," she said.

She says she wants a more freespirited life so she can enjoy the beautiful mountains and grasslands with friends during weekends and holidays.










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