编者按:美剧 《权力的游戏》中出现的“守夜人誓言”,朴实坚定,决然勇毅,荡气回肠,令无数观众震撼不已。“何言无冕,兄弟所望,何争俗荣,袍泽同心,尽忠职守,生死于斯,心念所归,无惧无退。铸兵利剑,暗夜无当;凝聚础石,长城屹立;腾焰熊熊,炽烈华光;耀耀破晓,璨以晨光;鸣无尽之号角,警外患之袭扰;锻坚钢之神盾,固王国之永宁。于今挺身,奉以生命,以夜为始,死亦无终。”
Oath of the Night's Watch
Night gathers, and now my watch begins.
It shall not end until my death.
I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children.
I shall wear no crowns and win no glory.
I shall live and die at my post.
I am the sword in the darkness.
I am the watcher on the walls.
I am the fire that burns against the cold,
the light that wakes the sleepers,
the shield that guards the realms of men.
I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night, and all the nights to come.