

发布时间: 2024年04月10日 编辑: 王峥



2024年,对外经济贸易大学迎来来华留学教育七十周年。从1954年对外经济贸易大学首次接收来自6个国家的17名来华留学生开始,经过几代贸大人不懈努力,截止2024年我校来华留学教育累计培养学历留学生16000余人、非学历留学生30000余人,“来华七秩行不怠,奋楫逐浪再出发”, 70年来对外经济贸易大学不断探索来华留学教育的新模式、新方法,逐步将学校建设为:帮助来华留学生认识中国、了解中国的窗口,培养有跨文化背景、具备国际视野的国际化复合型人才的基地,促进中外文化交流、和谐发展的平台。取得的成绩,既来自于学校老师的不断努力,也与广大国际校友对学校的关心和支持紧密相连。




70th Anniversary of UIBE's International Education

A Letter to All International Alumni

Dear Distinguished international Alumni,

I hope this email finds you well!

The University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) proudly celebrates the 70th anniversary of its international education program in 2024. Since welcoming its first cohort of 17 international students from 6 countries in 1954, UIBE has been dedicated to the advancement of international education. As for 2024, the university has trained over 16000 degree-seeking and more than 30,000 non-degree international students.

Guided by the principle of " Having come to China seven decades ago,International studentshas never slackened in its efforts and continues to strive vigorously to scale new heights," UIBE has consistently pioneered innovative models and methods in international education. Throughout these 70 years, UIBE has served as a gateway for international students seeking to understand China, a training ground for cultivating globally-minded leaders, and a platform for fostering cross-cultural exchange and cooperation between China and the world. These accomplishments are a testament to the tireless efforts of our faculty and the unwavering support of our international alumni.

In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of our international education program, UIBE will host a series of celebrating events. We sincerely invite all international alumni to rejoin us at your alma mater and participate in these festivities.


University of International Business and Economics



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