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发布时间: 2016年08月04日 编辑:

编者按】《绿色发展消霾论》蓝皮书(林智钦著,中英文版)发布后,中央编译局(中共中央直属机构)以汉语、英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、俄语、日语、阿拉伯语8个语种(链接附后)图文并茂向全球读者推荐。人民日报发表书评,党中央、中央政府、地方各级、国内外和社会各界普遍重视。该书为中国能源环境高峰论坛(2016 )蓝皮书,中国经济出版社20165月出版,作者为中国能源环境高峰论坛创会秘书长、中国能源环境研究中心主任、对外经济贸易大学教授。


(来源:中央编译局-理论中国网 20167月)





Theory of Green Development for

Ash Haze Dissipation

AuthorLin Zhiqin

PressChina Economic Press

Pub Date2016-06

The Theory of Green Development for Ash Haze Dissipation, written by Lin Zhiqin, was published by China Economic Press. Serving as a blue paper for the China Energy & Environment Summit (2016), this book is aimed at establishing a theoretical system, strategic vision and action plan for green development.

In this book, the origin and evolution, theoretical basis, and international and domestic backgrounds for green development are analyzed; domestic and foreign concepts related to green development and greening are summarized and the core concept of green development is presented; such ideas as the greening of economic energy, the green revolution for energy, the greening of institutional system, the greening of culture and science & technology, the greening of evaluation criteria as well as their internal relations are defined in a scientific manner; the general idea, primary approach, as well as specific policy thinking, technical route and consumption way are proposed for the purpose of realizing green development. It is held in the book that to China should adhere to the green development road with Chinese characteristics as evident by elimination of ash haze as the phased goal, greening of culture and science & technology as the foundation, greening of institutional system as the guarantee, greening of economic energy as the breakthrough, and with efficient green, low carbon, energy conservation, environmental protection technologies as well as people's green consumption behaviors as the important support, all in an effort to create green, harmonious development relations between human and nature and promote the global green development.

This book reviews new achievements the China Energy & Environment Summit has made in promoting green development over the past eight years since establishment, and looks far ahead into the prospects of improving the global green intelligence cooperation and communication mechanism and pooling the wisdom and strength of all parties to promote the green development of China and the world.


汉语: http://www.theorychina.org/newbook_2497/201607/t20160727_343306.shtml

英语: http://en.theorychina.org/newbook_2497/201607/t20160727_343321.shtml

法语: http://fr.theorychina.org/newbook_2497/201607/t20160727_343365.shtml

德语: http://ge.theorychina.org/newbook_2497/201607/t20160727_343378.shtml

西班牙语: http://sp.theorychina.org/newbook_2497/201607/t20160728_343521.shtml

阿拉伯语: http://ab.theorychina.org/newbook_2497/201608/t20160802_343772.shtml

俄语: http://ru.theorychina.org/

日语: http://jp.theorychina.org /

主要转载综合链接: http://www.ceeschina.org/view.asp?id=719&cid=11&pid=19


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